HOWTO format and partition 3TB Western Digital in NTFS for Ubuntu 12.04

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Use parted.

I’ve tried Parted Magic and gdisk that some people recommend. They didn’t work out for me, so go parted:
Now if you wonder I would probably not recommend using NTFS as filesystem. EXT4 would probably be more fitting for most Ubuntu/Linux users.

The main problem with 3TB disk is the <2.2TB limit that normal MBR partition tables has. Now we will use GPT partition table instead. The MORE trouble is that very few partition tools are able to format in GPT tables.

apt-get install parted

Take a look at the internet (official manual) or man parted. Some commands to get started:

parted /dev/sdX # substitute with your drive (and you prolly need sudo) 
> mklabel gpt # makes a new gpt partition table, afaik needed for >2TB > mkpart pri 1 -1 # makes a new primary partition from start to end, # note there are only primary partitions on gpt 

afterwards format your partition, not exactly sure about the command in ubuntu, try

mkfs.ntfs -Q -v /dev/sdXY -s 4096 

for an NTFS partition.

That should suffice to make you able mount the partition. I mounted with NTFS:

 mount.ntfs /dev/sdf1 /myplace/of/mount 

NB: Be careful about how to edit your /etc/fstab. I ‘ve just made a the line over into my /etc/rc.local

And – Yes! I stole all of this from: It took me some Googling, because this is a big problem now these days.